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What We Stand For

Fuse Theatre of CT is a new and exciting 501 (c)3 non-profit theatre company serving

the greater New Haven area.  
Fuse Theatre of CT has an interest in promoting theatre as a necessary element of a healthy community, and we intend to offer a diverse array of projects befitting the passion and commitment we share to our art.

A photo of actor Noah Sonenstein as Oberon in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." He is dressed in a regal dark blue outfit with a purple and blue crown and wig.




The world is always changing; therefore, the stories we tell must be fluid enough to speak to the moment by asking and answering the essential question, "Why this play now?"



FUSE is committed to providing the best possible training and mentoring for youth through classes, workshops, and productions. We believe that the skills learned in theatre serve the population well in whatever personal and career path their future selves may embark upon. It also leads to great happiness, and our world needs more happy people. We take these responsibilities seriously.

Young actors perform the number "Seize The Day" in Newsies caps from the musical revue "All Together Now."
Actors Barbara Hentschel and Martin Smith pose in wedding atire as Hippolyta and Theseus in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."



FUSE is deeply interested in the development of new works and revitalization of existing works. We aren't really into doing things the safe, conventional way. We don't think you can really achieve something truly great if you don't stretch yourself, push your limits a bit, and do the things that scare you. Sure, sometimes a show is just a show, but you can bet we are going to do everything within our power to make it a SHOW.

Two teen actors pose as Simba and Nala from "Lion King, Jr."
The cast of "All Together Now" perform a number together.



If our families can't afford to enroll their kids in our programs, we are not fulfilling the goal of accessibility and equity. We have and will continue to submit grants and seek donations so we never price our programs and tickets out of reach to any members of our community. If our performance and classroom spaces are not accessible to all, we are not fulfilling our goals. We will actively pursue diversity in our cast and creative teams. As our company grows, we will do our best to be what our community needs us to be.



We are committed to choosing our seasons with care, keeping foremost in our minds the performance outlet needs of people of all ages, abilities, experience levels, backgrounds, orientations, ethnicities, ideologies, languages of origin and gender expressions. Theatre is for all and FUSE would ideally like to be the theatre home for those who have felt like they haven't fit in elsewhere. Don't worry about being new to us when you sign up for your audition. We want to meet you, and we want you to feel at home and show us your best. We promise not to cast all of our friends in the best roles. Everyone has to audition. We want our shows to be truly great, which means we want to see every possible actor for every possible role. Of course, we cannot cast everyone, every time, but that does not mean we don't want to see you at the next audition, or welcome you onto the production team if that is your desire. 

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